3 Aug 2016

Chess960 SP695

Chess960 SP695

This game started to go down the drain for my opponent quite quickly. There was really nothing wrong with the moves 1.d4 d5 2.g3, but then my opponent, Chandu71, played 2...Ne6 and the problems could have started for him or her. The reason why the move 2...Ne6 is bad is because it leaves the pawn on d5 undefended. I could have taken the pawn with my next move, but I was more concerned of my own d-pawn, which was attacked by the knight. Had I taken the pawn and Chandu71 would have taken on d4 with the knight, then I could have taken the pawn on f7 and after Rf8, I could have taken the knight on e8. It would have allowed me to protect my f-pawn, so that I would be up a pawn. I clearly should have used more time on my second move, so that I may have seen that continuation. My third move was maybe a bit too automatic response to what my opponent did. Chandu71's third move was a horrible blunder that could have been the losing move, but again I was not seeing the right ideas in the position. I played the horrible 4.c3 in order to get the queen into play and take an aim on the undefended h7-pawn. If I recall correctly, I noticed the Ne5 possibility after I had moved my pawn to c3 and before my opponent replied to my move. I did get another chance on my next move to play Ne5 because Chandu71 made a second huge blunder in a row by playing 4...Ba6. It was all over for my opponent after this because I replied with the obviously strong 5.Ne5. The remaining moves are maybe not that interesting as the game became quite one-sided, but I have to mention that after 22...Kd8 I went for the unnecessarily long mate with 23.Qf7. A brief moment of thought might have been necessary to see the mate in two starting with 23.Qe6. I have added mate in one puzzles 504 & 505, mate in two puzzles 714 & 715 and mate in 6 puzzle number 93 today.

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