1 Nov 2016

Phase 1 complete

Phase 1 complete

Yesterday I finally finished making the necessary changes to the blog that allowed the posts to work properly in the HTTPS version of the blog. When it was done, I made it so that even if you use a link to the HTTP version, you will be redirected to the HTTPS version. I am aware that some of the pages load rather slowly now because of the large number of Chess.com game viewers used, but I am not at the moment sure how I want to fix the problem. I did look for other game viewers, but changing to another viewer almost right after I changed to Chess.com's does not seem appealing to me. Therefore I might change the way I make my posts instead.

If this is your first time visiting this blog today, I have also changed a few other things, which you might notice if you have come here before the change. Maybe the most important change was that on the mobile version of the blog, you can now access the links to 3 check statistics, Chess960 starting positions in this blog, list of opponents, Openings covered in this blog, My YouTube channel, Chess basics and Shakin alkeita. That being said, the mobile version does not currently look the way I would want, so a few more changes are required in that department.

Phase 2 has started, it consists with more improvements and updates to the blog. When I finish the things I want to do in this phase, I will start doing the blog in a more normal way again. I have also taken some time off from doing videos to my YouTube channel, but I will start doing the videos probably next week again. That most likely will not mean that I would be able to upload them next week, but as soon as I think that I have enough videos prepared, they will be appearing on YouTube again. I have added a game to my post Chess960 SP76 today. I am going to be taking a deeper look to my older posts in the future whenever I add a game to my old posts. I will compare the games already posted to the game I am adding and maybe I will be able to determine what is my best game in the opening variation or starting position.

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