28 Jan 2017

Chess960 SP363 with 1.g3

Chess960 SP363 with 1.g3

This starting position has appeared in this blog before, but the so called opening phase of the game does differ from the first game. This was one of the three games I played against capajan on June 26th, 2016. The first clear mistake was played by my opponent on move 14. The diagram shows the situation at the board after my 14th move f3. Capajan replied with 14...exf3, which is not a good idea. It made sure that the light-squared bishop on f7 will be blocked by the pawn on d5 and be rather passive. The opening of the f-file was only good for me. That being said, only by playing 15.Qh3+ I was able to get a clear advantage.

A few moves later capajan blundered by playing 17...Rf8 and my opponent was, for the first time, in a losing position. I had just castled, which was a bit sloppy move that lost some of my advantage. In order to keep my clear advantage, I should have played either 17.Bf4 or 17.a4. The next diagram position has been taken after the move 17.O-O-O.

The move 17...b6 was required to keep my knight from c5. Capajan's 17th move was the blunder that decided the game, after that capajan could not get back in the game anymore. I did make an inaccuracy on move 20 that briefly changed my advantage from winning to a clear one. Instead of moving the knight from c5 to d3, I should have played 20.Rxf7. It did not last long, since my opponent threw away the last hope of saving the game with the move 20...Kd7??

I have added new computer analysis to the games in these posts E17 Queen's Indian Defense: Fianchetto Variation, Kramnik Variation, E38 Nimzo-Indian Defense: Classical Variation. Berlin Variation and B70 Sicilian Defense: Dragon Variation. General. I have also added one game to the following two posts: B70 Sicilian Defense: Dragon Variation. General and C50 Italian Game: Hungarian Defense. Please note that those two new games have only been added to the replayer, they are still missing the things that I am going to type about those games, it is something I will add at some point.

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