28 Jun 2016

Chess960 SP112

Chess960 SP112

The game I am sharing today was played at lichess.org two days ago. This was the second game I played that day, but unlike the first game that was a 30 minute game with a 3 second increment, this game was a 10 minute game without increment. The first small mistake that was seen in the game below was my second move 2...Ng6. The problem with that move is that it allows White to respond with d4, which would free White's game a bit. I should have played 2...c5 in order to stop d4 and keep the position more balanced. My opponent, whyDoWePlay, played 3.c4 and it would have allowed me to reply with c5 once again stopping the move d4. For some reason I did not see it as that harmful of a move, so I played 3...b6 instead. However, because I ended up playing c5 on my 4th move, not necessarily to stop d4, but mainly to open a diagonal for my dark-squared bishop, I could have played the move c5 on my second move too and not allow d4 in the first place. I played a bit carelessly up to that point. With the move 4...c5 the position reached symmetry once again and the position was quite even after that. The next pair of moves retained the symmetry of the position. I ended the symmetry with my 6th move. I played 6...Nd6 with the idea of taking on f5 if given the chance to do so, which would open the long diagonal for my bishop that resided on a8. I also planned Qg5 either after the trade of knights or before I trade the knights. WhyDoWePlay indeed allowed me to take on f5 on my next move, due to the game losing blunder 7.d3. I ended up taking the knight first because I soon realised that it would be the much stronger option. Had I played Qg5 first, then whyDoWePlay could have played Nxd6 in reply and I would not have been able to open the long diagonal for my bishop so easily. While I maintained the advantage to the end, I did not play the most accurate moves and I was a bit disappointed in myself after I had taken on f5 with the queen because I saw the possibility of d4, which could have made my task of winning the game more difficult. I am not sure if I noticed that d4 immediately is not playable because I can just take the bishop, but after the knight moved and the queen was able to defend the bishop, then d4 would have been a possible move to play. I should have played 9...Nh4 instead of taking the pawn from f5. Even with my poor technique I was able to take the full point because my opponent resigned after 18...Nxf3+. I have added two mate in two and three mate in four puzzles today.

I have also done a live commentary of this game and that video can be viewed below.

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