24 Dec 2015

Chess960 SP21

Chess960 SP21

Another chess960 game today as I had not enough time to go through my databases and look for an opening variation that I have not covered yet. This was played as a 10 minute game with 10 second increment at lichess.org. This time I got a human player to play against. I think the game started to go a little bit wrong for my opponent after seitties played 9.Nxd5 because after 9...Nbxd5 10.cxd5 Nxd5 white has an isolated pawn on d3 which seems quite weak. On move 21, I had to make a critical choice that could either win the game or lose it. I played Rc2 because I thought that if seitties takes the pawn on b7, I could play e4 in reply and all would be fine again. I did not see that seitties would play 22.d4 instead and at this point in the game I thought that I would be in trouble because seitties threatens my rook on c2 and maybe even in some situations to take on e5. I replied to 22.d4 with 22...Qc6 and I think my opponent should have played 23.d5. Instead seitties played 23.Qg4 which I think was the final losing move in the game and after this my opponent could not recover and resigned couple of moves later. I have added one mate in two, two mate in three and two mate in four puzzles.

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