22 Dec 2015

Chess960 SP901

Chess960 SP901

Today I did not get to play against any human opponents in chess960, so I tested the Stockfish AI level 6, which is rated 1900 at lichess.org. To be honest, when I started this game, I thought I am probably going to lose, but I thought that the AI level 6 would be a good test for me in any case. There are eight different AI levels you can play against at lichess, ranging from level 1 (1350) to the level 8 (2500). I should maybe test all of them and see if they indeed differ in playing strength. Of course the most problematic part is that the moves from this AI come nearly instantly, so without an increment of some sort or otherwise long thinking times, I would most likely lose on time. I thought I would play a game with 10 minute 10 second increment and see if the increment helps to not lose on time. Time is not what got me, it was the poor moves I made. I might have done a little bit better had I used more time, but eventually I would have been in time trouble against a computer and I would have lost anyway.

The first obvious mistake I did was when I played the stupid 10...Qe5. After I saw the reply 11.Nf3, I considered my options and thought returning to e8 would be my best option, so I had basically wasted a move. I finally lose the game on move 26 when I play Rf7 and the following move from the AI show why that move was so bad. But then it made a blunder according my chess engine that could have brought me back to the game. I did not think of it as a blunder during the game though, I actually thought it was a good move during the game. It probably was a good move when made against me, but a blunder against the best reply. Very quickly after this, I fall apart completely and on move 35 I thought my best move is to click the resign button. I have added one mate in two, three mate in three and one mate in four puzzle today.

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