9 Dec 2015

Chess960 SP703

Chess960 SP703

I played in the Chess960 pool again today at the Internet Chess Club and of course I lost yet again. I should stop playing in that pool because I am just not playing fast enough to get any good results in there. I can maybe play well for some time, but then I just blunder the game away, like I did on move 24.b3? in this game, which loses the game immediately. Up to that point I can be quite happy with the way I played. After my blunder I could have just resigned because my position is really hopeless. I have now played five games in that pool with a grim score of one win and four losses. I guess tomorrow I will play some games at lichess again to get different starting positions to post for the rest of the week.

Yesterday I went to play some games at the FIDE Online Arena again in order to get my next title and I am happy to say I was able to play seven more games out of the title requirement, so I only need to play nine more games there to get it. Obviously I can't lose too much because otherwise I may fall below the rating requirement again. I am really confident about my abilities to hold the rating above the requirement this time because I am further above it than I was the first time that I was close to the game requirement for the Arena International Master title. I think I had less than ten games to go and then I dropped below the rating that is required for it. If it happens the same way this time, I will be really annoyed. I also noticed that FOA had changed since the last time I played there, now you need to show your real name while playing games there because they are official games. I do not mind the change that much, but as it also created now a different pgn-file where it stored the games and becasue of that I did not find them at first because I only looked in the previous pgn-file the client had created. Therefore I had to check if my settings had changed there too and then I noticed the different file it had put the games in. I think there were also other minor changes in the way you challenge people to play a game, but the main look of it remained the same. I have added one mate in two, two mate in three and two mate in four puzzles today.

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