30 Dec 2015

Chess960 SP458

Chess960 SP458

This is the second time when I have had the chance of using the Chessbase game replayer for a chess960 game if I recall correctly. This is of cource only possible when neither side has castled during the game. Maybe if chess960 would get more popular, Chessbase would make publishing chess960 games as easy as they have made publishing chess games.

This is another silly game that I played at lichess.org. I had a clear idea to play 3.Bxb7 if my opponent does not stop it. However, I somehow forgot it and played 3.Nc3 instead, in order to control d5... So this was the second game in a row there where I played the first few moves a bit mindlessly. I had a chance to take on b7 also in the next move, but again I missed it and instead played f4 in order to develop my bishop to f2. I did play 5.Bf2 even though I did not like my position all that much if my opponent had played d4 in reply. My opponent, milovanovic-goran, did not play that however, and instead played 5...Nc4 which has the effect of preventing me from castling no matter what I do in reply. Had I played 6.Nd3, it will be replied with 6...e4 and my knight must leave the protection of b2. Therefore I played 6.Bxd5, which I thought during the game to be nearly winning move. With the move 6.Bxd5 started a period in the game where I seemed to be awake again and I did not give my advantage away in the remaining moves. I am not sure why my opponent resigned after 12...Nc4 because had the game continued, I still have some practical problems to solve. I have added one analysed game to the following posts of mine: B01 Scandinavian Defense: Main Lines, C66 Spanish Game: Berlin Defense. Improved Steinitz Defense, C34 King's Gambit: Accepted. Fischer Defense and E72 King's Indian Defense: Normal Variation. Deferred Fianchetto. I have also added one mate in two, three mate in three and one mate in four puzzle today.

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