16 Dec 2015

Chess960 SP753

Chess960 SP753

This was played yesterday evening at lichess.org. It was a 10 minute game with 10 second increment. The first move that I did not like from my opponent was 6...Ng6, which seems like the wrong idea to protect the pawn on e5. I may have preferred the move 6...Bf6 and develop that knight later on to e6. My first longer think came on move 8, up to that point I think I moved relatively fast. I considered whether or not I should play my knight on e1 to g2 or just play h4. I rejected the knight move because I thought that my opponent could play f5 in response which would make my position quite bad. The doubled pawns that came after 8...Bxe3+ are not that bad in my opinion, they control the center quite well and restrict the movement of my opponent's pieces nicely. On move 10 I had no clear idea on how do I want to proceed, I wanted to move my queen next but I was not sure where I want to place it. I was not sure if I should bring the queen to the queenside and maybe generate an attack towards the enemy king or should I instead keep it on the kingside and try to make something happen there. I decided to do something on the kingside because I could not see an easy way to generate an attack on the queenside. The biggest problem at the moment for me is how to get my knight from the back rank into play because I thought that I could not play it to g2 in view of f5. So I wanted to prevent that move.

I think I started to get a good grip on the position around move 18 because my pieces seemed a bit more active than those of my opponent's. On move 20 I considered for a while the moves 20.e4 and 20.Rdf1, I chose the latter but almost immediately after my opponent played 20...Be6 I thought that the other alternative would have been better. After my opponent played 23...Ng7, I thought that maybe I had misplayed somewhere because my opponent seems to get some play now and improve his or her position. Then I saw the Bf7 to Be6 maneuver which held my position together and I was more confident about my chances again. I made some inaccurate moves and my opponent was able to get back into the game, but then on move 29 I think my opponent lost the game, mb22 should have taken the bishop on e6 instead of playing the retreating move 29...Nd8. After my move 35.Bc1 all of my opponent's pieces are really badly placed in my opinion. The game continued in my advantage until I get into my 47th move and with that blunder, the game could have been drawn. I did think of that 47th move quite awhile without coming up with a good move and ended up playing 47.Bc1?? which I knew could lead to a draw, but somehow I could not think that e1 is a much better square for the bishop. For some reason my opponent did not play the drawing line and ended up choosing the line that gives me winning chances again and this time I hold my advantage to the end, though I did have some minor technical difficulties. I have added two mate in one, one mate in two, one mate in three and one mate in four puzzle today.

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